PUBGMobile - New Era V5 BYPASS UPDATED English Subtitles

Released on Oktober 11, 2020 · Posted by MenuHack_Admins · Series


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PUBGMobile - Era V5 List :

1.Added Bypass 3rd Party Apps

2.Less + No Recoil Android 10(PUBGM 64 Bit)

3.SuperAim 360° Brutals

4.Added New Wallhack Value for Mediatek

5.Fixed ReportHack&Fixed Toast

6.WallHackAll Proccesor

7.Less Recoil Android 10/No Recoil100%

8.AimbotimLock New

9.MagicBullet New

10.New Flash

And Much More Working Hack!

Thanks All :)

PUBGMobile - New Era V5 BYPASS UPDATED - All Episodes

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Komentar 15

  1. Script ended:
    Script error: luaj.n: /storage/emulated/0/Download/#PUBG Mobile V5 (1).lua:-1

    bad argument #1 to 'load' (string or function expected, got nil) (field 'load')
    level = 1, const = 364, proto = 299, upval = 11, vars = 107, code = 2179
    CALL v52..v53 v52..v52
    ; PC 960 CODE 01008D1D OP 29 A 52 B 2 C 2 Bx 1026 sBx -130045
    stack traceback:
    /storage/emulated/0/Download/#PUBG Mobile V5 (1).lua: in function 'SecurityProtect'
    /storage/emulated/0/Download/#PUBG Mobile V5 (1).lua: in function
    /storage/emulated/0/Download/#PUBG Mobile V5 (1).lua: in function
    /storage/emulated/0/Download/#PUBG Mobile V5 (1).lua: in function
    /storage/emulated/0/Download/#PUBG Mobile V5 (1).lua: in function
    /storage/emulated/0/Download/#PUBG Mobile V5 (1).lua: in main chunk
    [Java]: in ?
    at luaj.LuaValue.a(src:1024)
    at luaj.lib.BaseLib$load.a_(src:266)
    at luaj.lib.VarArgFunction.a(src:58)
    at luaj.LuaClosure.a(src:538)
    at luaj.LuaClosure.l(src:160)
    at luaj.LuaClosure.a(src:533)
    at luaj.LuaClosure.l(src:160)
    at luaj.LuaClosure.a(src:537)
    at luaj.LuaClosure.l(src:160)
    at luaj.LuaClosure.a(src:537)
    at luaj.LuaClosure.l(src:160)
    at luaj.LuaClosure.a(src:537)
    at luaj.LuaClosure.l(src:160)
    at luaj.LuaClosure.a(src:537)
    at luaj.LuaClosure.l(src:160)
    at android.ext.Script.d(src:6056)
    at android.ext.Script$

    The script wrote 5.24 MB to 1 files.

    Please Solve this problem

    1. you not give script to internets that why lol, try using original gameguardian.

  2. You not give the script access to internets lol thats why , try using original gameguardians.

  3. Hello How are you. I hope are you fine. I'm using your pubg hack but everytime my pubg acount got banned why please give me Solution 10 years acount banned

  4. How play safe when I'm using script on lobby and Use Pubg Golbel Baypss and it's 100%ok and next I'm use weapon hack and my I'd immediately banned and pubg show me a massage Data has be Changed and discounted

  5. Please give me Solution what hack I'm use for safety and how to use

    1. I use only less recoil headshot magic bullet & antenna

  6. I have a Question when script is used in virtual space and what the VpN is best for use and How much game played in one day when Use hack please give me Solution for banned ids and How I m open my banned I'd

  7. Please Help me again I'd I'd banned for 10 year

  8. When I activate the script it says Data changed and you have been disconnected.. then when I log in again get message "you have been banned for violating". Even I turn on anti-Ban.

  9. When I activate the script it says Data changed and you have been disconnected.. then when I log in again get message "you have been banned for violating". Even I turn on anti-Ban.

    1. It's something you doing wrong im still not ban its a good script

    2. Please Guide me how to use


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